Oral Surgery

Oral and maxillo-facial surgery deals with surgical treatment in the oro-maxilo-facial area. In the dental office several surgical maneuvers can be performed and the most frequent one is dental extraction.

At the Dentomatic Med Clinic, the following surgeries are performed:
- dental extractions
- odontectomy
- apical resections
- premolarizări
- periodontal surgery
- dental implants
- other interventions necessary for the insertion of dental implant
All surgical interventions are evaluated and customized for each case.
Dental extraction
It is the most common of surgical maneuvers, generally we call upon it when:
the tooth can no longer be saved with the help of another treatment
is required for orthodontic purposes
After extraction, the tooth can be replaced with a dental implant or with a toothbrush.
Apical resection
Apical resection is a surgical procedure that involves removing the tooth of a tooth together with surrounding infected tissue. It is indicated for solving root canal problems, problems that have not been resolved or for which endodontic resolution is not possible.
Premolarisation is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and removing a damaged corono-root portion of a mandibular molar while maintaining healthy roots. This work is done when endodontic treatments fail or can not be achieved.
The dental implant
The dental implant is a device made of titanium or zirconium, which replaces a tooth or several absent teeth from the arch. Practically, the implant is inserted into the alveolar bone and will hold the root, and on this support will be further prosthesis.
The surgical procedure of inserting the implant allows the patient to return home the same day. After insertion there is a healing period in which the body forms bone tissue around the implant. Final implantation implantation can only be done after this period of 3-6 months. During the healing period, the patient benefits from a temporary prosthesis.